Saturday, July 30, 2011

Park Officials Saying no to Foragers

       On July 29 the New York Times Posted an article on park officials dealing with foragers. This is a very touchy subject because on one hand- all the officials are trying to do is preserve the park and the plants and wild life they worked hard for. While on the other hand-people are trying to make use of the land provided to them, using the land to teach and identify edibles, and trying to enjoy the park(s) the way they know how. 
        Anyone, hopefully, can see both ends of each argument. It is true however, that these parks provided to the people, do not necessarily belong to the people. I am not going to lie, I often have identified wild edibles, in my strolls through the parks, but after thinking about it, decided to leave it untouched. The parks are meant to provide an aesthetic for the people, as well as to create a wild life habitat. Once this gets disturbed, all the hard work is lost, and the wild life, is left with nowhere to go. Not to mention the plants that are mishandled and left for dead, just to satisfy a person's needs.

         Sandy Hook in New Jersey, apparently will allow foraging, but provide a limit. This is reasonable, and people should be understanding of it. Over Foraging, can result in a few different things, extinction of the plant in its natural habitat, harming the wildlife that thrives off of it, and costing the park officials extra money to replace it. You may be tempted to grab more than the allotted amount, but whats the point of getting fined, just return the next day, and do it all over again.

         What's upsetting, is those that are taking foraging too far, and making this an issue to begin with. The Article states that people are over fishing, catching turtles, and taking trees. Several people love to fish, but if its not allowed, or theres a limit, don't do it, or just follow the rules. You know the fish (and Turtles) didn't just magically appear in the middle of these parks (surrounded by the city). They were put there by the officials. 

          Hopefully a compromise will be met, and it will not come down to fenced off areas in the parks.
What are your thoughts on this article?


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Propagating a Japanese Maple...i think? part 2

Well as stated in the prior post, I made the first and biggest mistake by leaving the cuttings out in the open in my apartment, I believe this caused them to dry out a little too much. Being that the suggested is to plant immediately or to keep the cuttings Moist.  The purpose of keeping the plant moist is to keep the plant alive, so that in the rooting process it will retain the necessary energy to provide nutrients to the roots.

After finally having had the free moment to purchase the rooting hormone i wounded the cutting to expose an opening for the roots to come out of as well, then I applied the rooting hormone. Rooting Hormones not only increase the possiblility that rooting will occur but most of the rooting hormones also have a fungicide which protects the cutting from getting a disease and molding. I then inserted my cuttings into a growing medium and have kept them moist. At this point it is best to keep the cutting in a partially sunny but mostly shady location at 60 degrees temp.

But still no results, this could be one of two options. the first is that I let the cuttings dry out and die.

The second is that the plant is naturally in its dormancy meaning that there is a possibility it will root when spring comes along, but we'll see.

Quick Recap:

Propagating a Hardwood Cutting
1. have a cutting of the prior seasons growth at least 6-8 inches in length from a healthy plant.

2. make cutting on a 45 degree angle just above the node and wound to promote rooting

3. apply rooting compound

4. plant in a growing medium that is well aerated.

5. keep moist

6. Keep in a primarily shady location at 60 degrees until roots begin to form

7. Enjoy

Propagating a Japanese Maple...i think? Prelude to part 2

After weeks of delay, thinking of how to follow up to the previous post...its finally here.

             The first attempt to propagate the Japanese Maple with one of the Gel 2 Root packs as predicted was a failure. After a week or so of the cuttings being in the solution, there wasn't any change. As the end of the second week approached the solution began to turn cloudy and mold began to develop on the cuttings...that is when the white flag was thrown in.

             My second attempt is where the delays in posting this came to play...( Here's where the excuses come to play, so feel free to call the "waambulance" on me) 

                The First and most important, is that my apartment is in a "pre-war" building and the heat is controlled buy the super through a radiated system, and being that the apartment is so old my radiator has been painted over and over again, meaning that i can't adjust the dial so there's only one setting...HOT

                The second is that I work insane hours regularly and hadn't the time to make it to the local garden center.

              And the third and final, is that i wanted to make this post worth writing and worth the wait.

........Unfortunately most of my research on how to propagate a semi-hardwood to hardwood cutting occurred after my attempt to remember what i learned from my horticulture class in H.S. ( 7 years ago) off the top of my head. ...........

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Propagating a Japanese Maple...i think? part 1

On the way to and from work there are a few Japanese Maples that have been tempting me to buy my own, or possibly try to convince the owner to let me have a cutting. Working in a kitchen you go to work early and get out of work late, so i never really found time to ask for a cutting, and just figured I'd add it to my list of wants and needs. Well on the 29th of december one of the particular Japanese Maples I usually pass by had two large branches ( what seemed to be ) pulled off, and I couldn't help but think of it as an opportunity to attempt to propagate it. Then naturally it bothered me that someone carelessly tore the branches off.

Apparently my ambitious excitement has gotten me a little over my head, as I researched propagation from cuttings, I began to realize that I didn't know much about Propagation at all. the first mistake I made was that its not exactly the season for propagating. Most if not all propagation is done in mid to late spring when things naturally grow. The second was that I just neglected the branches in my hot apartment for a few days - luckily they don't look dried out. And finally third, I have horrible lighting in my apartment...

With all these things working against me, I'm still going to give it a shot.

 My first attempt:

I grabbed a branch that looked lively cut the smaller branches that were on it and cut it to be about 8 inches and stuck it in a gel 2 root pack... not to sure if it will doubtful, but im also hoping im wrong.

My second attempt:

The one I have more confidence with, but involves me having to buy stuff is going to involve soil, rooting hormones, and a pot.. this will be part 2

This isn't going to exactly be an overnight project so updates will be done..wish me luck, and look for part 2 very soon.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy Year!!

Happy New Year!!

                 As Promised I will be updating my blog more regularly this year. I have strayed away from it momentarily because, I felt I had been losing the main focus of this blog, which is Gardening, followed by the results of vegetable gardening. Moving to New York mid growing season, put me in this loop, but it has also helped me expand my thoughts and ideas for this blog, as well as possibly another. Thanks for all those who have helped to motivate me to continue to blog, who have read my blog, and who i will meet this year because of this blog.
