Monday, May 25, 2009

Saturdays Green City Market

I have always been a fan of the Farmer's Markets, but i haven't always had access to them. This year i told myself i needed to go as much as possible, and decided the only that would happen would be to work for one of the markets. It just so happened that the Green City Market was hiring, at the time. So you can find me at the Market every Wed. and Sat. 

This weekend i just couldn't help myself, and i had to do some shopping.
I had to buy some of that Beautiful Michigan Asparagus.

And who could resist Capriole Chevre Goat Cheese..Delicious!

The Mesclum mix also looked to good to pass up.

I also have become a great fan of Blue Marble Family Farm's dairy products. Their Drinkable plain yogurt is by far my favorite. (pics soon)

I will most likely make a Salad today of the ingredients listed above, and an omelet tomorrow of the Asparagus and Goat Cheeese.

This Last Saturday, there was a reported 5,200 people at the market!! thats great to hear. I know for a fact that I'm not the only one anxiously awaiting strawberries, because they sold out in the first 15 min!!!!!! I work at the market and i couldn't even get any! I'll have to try my luck on Wednesday As the Weeks go by, i will post more and more on the Green city Market.

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